REMEMBER : The APP and info from Coach Hayes supersedes anything on the website!

Week of Aug 26, 2024

Monday 26th

  • 7-10:30am Pool

  • 4:30-6:30pm Weights at SEHS (west end that leads to bball gym; enter as group)

Tuesday 27th

  • 7-10:30am Pool

  • 6:30-8:30pm Pool

Wednesday 28th

  • 7-10:30am Pool

  • 4:30-6:30pm Dryland @ Amazon Fields

Thursday 29th

  • 7-10:30am Pool

  • 5:00pm Team Photo (for fundraising poster) (rescheduled to this time because of timing conflict)

  • 6:30-8:30pm Pool

  • 7-8:30pm - Required Parent Meeting at Amazon Pool (great fun!)

Friday 30th

  • 7-10:30am Pool

  • 4:30-6:30pm Dryland (Location TBA)

Saturday Sept 1st

  • 8:30-10:30am Pool

Week of Sept 2, 2024

Monday 2nd - No practice (Labor Day)

Tuesday 3rd -

  • 6-7:30am Weights at SEHS (west end that leads to bball gym; enter as group)

  • 4pm BOYS game vs. S. Salem at Amazon

  • 5pm GIRLS game vs S Salem at Amazon (note - this is a co-ed JV game as SS does not have a girls only team)

Wednesday 4th -

  • 6:30-8am Pool

  • 4-6pm Pool

Thursday 5th -

  • 6-7:30am Weights at SEHS

  • 4-6pm Pool

Friday 6th -

  • 4-6pm Pool

(Sat/Sun - Mt Hood Tournament!)

2024 Regular Season Schedule

9/03 - 11/9-ish (then likely adapted for state pre/end of Season)

Multiple practices to fill your day!

  • M/W 6:30-8am @ Amazon Pool

  • T/TH 6-7:30am Weight lifting @ South Eugene High School

  • M-F 4-6pm @ Amazon Pool

  • Saturdays 9:30-11:30am @ Amazon Pool if no tournament

Practice Expectations

Water polo is an extremely demanding sport, both physically and mentally. The level of fitness required to play the sport, and especially to play it well, is generally higher than a lot of sports athletes may have been a part of in the past. Because of this, practices are required and attendance is expected at all practices. Practices are important not only for fitness, but also to building a cohesive and united team.

In addition, your athlete is expected to keep up with their schoolwork as that is their primary responsibility. 

If a player cannot attend practice, they are expected to let coaches know by email before the start of practice (with their parents cc’d in the message).

Athletes need to be at practice 15 min. before the start of our pool time for stretching/warm up. This warm up time is very important to the health of our athletes as well as injury prevention.

Players should bring to pool practices a water bottle, goggles, elastic stretching band (low - medium resistance), athletic suit, towel, and for longer practices, a snack. For dry land, they should bring a water bottle, athletic clothes/shoes, a towel (for lying on grass, not required), and if Covid rears again, a face covering mask if using the weight room.